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Library Online

The Project

1. Mobile textbook website
2. Updating the desktop site

The Challenge

Set up a custom website/app for a huge library of textbooks in all fields, with the ability to locate books easily


Students of all ages and teachers

Working Process

1. Understanding the needs through the product manager I worked with
2. Find similar applications in the world
3. Design several filtering options for quick book detection
4. Testing users using wireframes


Search for examples of applications with different filters from around the world

Filtering Suggestions

Design multiple versions and filter types

First Sketch

Filter by horizontal scrolling

Selected Filtering

It was decided to filter a little more narrowly with fewer books to upload as there are hundreds of books and the loading time will be long

Also, after testing the horizontal filter, we came to the conclusion that the learning curve is too high


Examples of Icons

Examples of Icons

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